In my personal experiences many parents during their PTM ( Parents Teacher Meet) often ask me , how to keep their kids away from mobile phones or smart phones .


While I am working on this issue with my own kids , I felt the need to understand as a parent as well as a teacher what could be the benefits of keeping the kids away from mobile phone or smart phone .


A few questions that popped in my mind like

  • Is it really needed that I keep my kids away from smart-phones?
  • Will it really help my kid?
  • In what ways will keeping my kid away from smart-phones help?
  • Are there any health problems that my child will face if my kid watches for long hours on the smart phone? what kind of health problems will my child get into …. Is it physical, mental emotional, social and what else?
  • Will my kid not eat food if I do not give my child smart-phone?
  • Will watching smart phone deteriorate the attention span and brain cells and eyes?
  • Etc … etc…


In my research in doing so I found the following benefits of keeping toddlers up to 5 years of age away from smartphones for their overall development and well-being.


Benefits of keeping toddlers up to 5 years of age away from smartphones


  1. Cognitive Development

           >> Improved Attention Span: Toddlers who spend less time on screens are more likely to develop better attention spans and the ability to focus on tasks.

          >> Enhanced Brain Development: Engaging in real-world activities like playing with physical toys and interacting with teachers , parents  fosters better brain development.


  1. Physical Health

          >>  Reduced Risk of Obesity: Increased physical activity helps prevent childhood obesity; a common risk associated with excessive screen time.

         >> Better Sleep and reduced risk of getting glasses ( spectacles  : Limiting screen exposure, especially before bedtime, leads to better sleep patterns and quality . This also reduces the risk of early defects in eye-sight that may lead to the need for spectacles and in some worst conditions loss of vision of the kids.


  1. Social Skills

        >> Improved Social Interaction: Engaging in face-to-face  in-person physical interactions with family and peers helps children develop essential social skills, including empathy and communication.

       >> Language Development: Real-world conversations with real people and reading books contribute to richer vocabulary and language development compared to passive screen time.


  1. Emotional Well-being

      >> Reduced Risk of Behavioral Issues: Lower screen time is linked to fewer behavioral problems, such as aggression and hyperactivity.

     >> Healthier Emotional Development: Children learn to manage their emotions and develop resilience through real-life experiences rather than virtual ones.


  1. Creativity and Imagination

      >> Enhanced Creativity: Unstructured playtime encourages creativity and imagination, as children invent their own games and stories.

      >> Problem-Solving Skills: Engaging in hands-on activities helps toddlers develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


  1. Motor Skills

     >> Better Motor Development: Physical activities, such as running, climbing, and drawing, improve both fine and gross motor skills, which are crucial at this age.


  1. Reduced Exposure to Inappropriate Content

      >> Age-Appropriate Learning: Limiting screen time ensures that toddlers are exposed to content suitable for their age, avoiding potentially harmful or inappropriate material.


  1. Parent-Child Bonding

      >> Strengthened Relationships: More time spent on activities like reading, playing, and talking together strengthens the bond between parents and children.


Knowing the benefits of limiting the screen-time of the toddlers, now encouraged me to further the study of  “How to reduce the screen-time and keep away the kids from mobile phones”


Am sharing here few pointers for parents and teachers :


How to reduce the screen-time and keep away the kids from mobile phones




  • Keep the mobile phones away from kids to encourage face to face interactions and faster social skills.


  • Additionally, limited screen time promotes a healthier balance between technology use and other development activities.




  • Set up a designated area for your child to express their creativity with painting, drawing or crafting.


  • Give them lots of variety of  papers ( in texture and colour ) and variety of colour pencils , crayons , sketch-pens , drawing pencils , chalk , clay-dough etc… etc..




  • Involve your child in preparing a simple meal or baking project, teaching them basic kitchen culinary skills.


  • You may also involve them in cleaning of the kitchen utensils and placing the utensils after clearing the water on them in appropriate places in the kitchen racks




  • Spend quality time playing board games or puzzles together, offering a mix of fun and mental stimulation to the kids.


  • Such game times also enhances the bonding with the kids.




  • Reading is a great way to get away from technology, your child will grow to appreciate reading, improve vocabulary & language skills if you expose them to a variety of books.




  • Fitness activity for children jumping jacks, organizing the toys etc……, will boost the physical strength of the kids and help their muscles and bones to grow healthy. It improves the kid’s immunity system and keeps all their endocrine-glands active thus promoting good height, balanced weight reduce child obesity and keeps the child happy and lively.


  • With good amount of physical activities the child digestion is improved and will have good meal. This physical activity will bring the child to have timely good sleep which helps balance the aggressive and irritability and the child will always be smiling and be happy in your nurturing care




  • Teach responsibility towards mother earth and nature by involving your child in caring for indoor plants, watering the plants regularly on a pre-scheduled time of the day and week, and giving the timely nutrients like vermi-compost plant flowering home-made nutrients  from kitchen dry & wet wastes , showing them the healthy growth of the plants and the beautiful flowers , vegetables and fruits in your kitchen and home gardens with indoor and out-door variety of plants.



  • Parents should encourage the kids in playing puzzles, play dough and building blocks can develop the child’s imagination while improving their motor skills.




  • Set Clear Limits: Establish rules about when and how long your child can use screens.


  • Provide Alternatives: Offer engaging activities like books, puzzles, and outdoor play.


  • Be a Role Model Yourself: Demonstrate healthy screen habits by limiting your own screen time. Also encourage all your family members as well to limit their screen time . Engage together as Family Time together making it Fun Laughing and Loving


  • Create Screen-Free Zones: Designate areas of your home, such as the dining room and bedrooms, as screen-free zones.


  • Engage in Family Activities: Spend quality time together doing activities that do not involve screens.


I know it is quite tough with Kids …. butI also know it is quite easy to handle the kids if you are able to strike the right balance of being strict with a No-Means-NO from your end with the support of your family all aligned. This coupled with your Motherly LOVE & AFFECTION to bring out the best ICONIC PERSONALITY in YOUR KID ….  And if possible making the child like a whiz-kid …..

….. By nurturing the child’s innocence and the kids natural brilliance by way of your :‘Active-Purposeful-involvement’ .


Give the Best to Your Child …. The Child Deserves the Best From You as Parents and Teachers.


Hopefully this would have given you the purpose and  some ideas &  tips and help you in keeping  your kid away from smart phones and reduce the screen times with mobile phones.


Leave your comments & queries … and please do share your personal experiences as well after implementing the pointer if they of of any help to you as parents and or teachers. 

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