Why parents should attend Parents Teachers Meeting?

To know about the teacher

  1. TEACHER Stands For :
    T : Talented
    E: Educated
    A: Adorable
    C: Charming
    H: Helpful
    E: Encouraging
    R: Responsible
    The term generally describes a person who educates students and helps them solve problems relating to academics and life .

  2. Parents teacher meeting gives parents an opportunity to discuss strategies that parents and guardians can implement at home to support student’s learning.

  3. To know the child behaviour,studies, Mingling with the other kids are not .

  4. The parents will understand the progress of the child .

  5. The parent’s can understand the child’s Gross motor skills , fine motor skills, cogitative skills and everything what we are doing in the school .

    For example :
    What is Gross motor skills :
    Throwing a ball , Jumping , Running, walking.
    What is fine motor skills :
    Holding a pencil , Folding a clothes, writing or drawing, playing an instrument.
    What is cognitative skills :
    Memory, Language, critical thinking , planning, writing.

  6. Parents should attend the regular PTM. It will help the teachers and parents whether any issues are going on about the child in school are in home.

  7. Hence, the PTM is important . It will helps the growth of the child .
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